Every movie
franchise needs a rebirth at some point. Christopher Nolan’s storytelling
changed the way we look at superhero movies forever with that kind of conflict
that rips our understanding of right and wrong. DC may have done the reverse of
it with the utterly terrible Batman Vs Superman, Dawn of Justice. But Marvel
seems to have turned a page from their formulaic action extravaganzas to
formulaic magical extravaganzas. I use the word formulaic because despite the
soul searching that the franchise undergoes along with Dr Strange, it is the
writing that lets it down.
Doctor Strange
follows that life of Dr Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) an arrogant but
brilliant neurosurgeon who loses his way after a terrible accident. In search
of an eastern cure, he unwittingly falls into the hands of the Ancient One
(Tilda Swindon) who along with Master Mondo (Chiwetel Edjiafor) transforms Dr
Strange into a universe saving sorcerer by introducing him to dimensions that
defy time and space. And when the inevitable threat comes to earth it was up to
the trio to save it from falling into darkness.
Robert Downey
Jr must be pissing himself at the sight of Benedict Cumberbatch. If he though
he nailed the role of World’s famous detective, out came Cumberbatch with his
version of Sherlock Holmes that blew the audience away. Now Downey Jr’s title
as the best Marvel Cast member might be at threat with Englishman stealing the
show as Dr Strange with an arrogant, narcissistic yet lovable, goofy and funny
portrayal. There may be shades of Sherlock to it but only just. He mesmerizes
us with a performance that shifts from self-centred arrogance to a world saver
without essentially losing the soul upon which the character is developed. And
yes, that smile! How long before he stars in a timeless romantic flick?
originally not conceived in the comics as a Celtic sorcerer, Tilda Swinton as
the ancient one steals the show with a measured performance that resonates with
the very purpose of the movie. Chiwetel Edgiafor has done far more challenging
roles so this is a cake walk for the talented actor. Mads Mikkelson doesn’t do
a lot of mainstream Hollywood movies but when he does it stands out like the
Bond Villain in Casino Royale, the series Hannibal and now as Caesillius.
Benedict Wong and Rachel McAdams has limited screen space but that does not
stop from leaving an impression.
Doctor Strange
might just be the template upon which Marvel could continue its cinematic
existence. Here they have moved into a darker territory and the sort of
concepts that stimulates the modern movie going geeks. There is humour that
goes extremely well written for the characters and doesn’t look forced. Originally
conceived in the 60’s, the writers have done well to introduce modern concepts
of physics to enchant the modern intellect and enough spiritual material to
appeal to the family audience. The special effects stay close to the movie’s
time and space bending concepts. Yet there are some inevitable flaws that they
could not correct. The screenplay follows an extremely tried and tested path
and sometimes overbearing of CGI that could take the focus off storytelling. There
is an instant comparison to Nolan’s Batman Begins that follows a similar trajectory
of a talented lost man in search for his soul in the orient and Inception
inspired CGI although others may argue that Nolan stole the original idea from
the comic itself.
Marvel after
Infinity Wars could have been a stretch given the orgy of stars and that sort
of final battle that could make a successful movie franchise and force their
audience into submission. But with an alternative look to its thinking, Marvel
might have found a way beyond that with Doctor Strange.
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